Japanese Kiss doesn't have any hard and fast rules. It's just normal kissing which involves variances of all other kissing. Japanese kiss also refers to smooching without widening the lips or without involving any saliva exchange.
It refers to a long and passionate kiss without a spit or snot, not by using the lips but by dense ass muscles. The partner sits on the face and tense their ass muscles and try to kiss with their anus or rim. It also refers to French kissing the penis.
As smooth as a French kiss, but does not involve the lips of both the partners. The couple involved in French Canadian Kiss stick out their respective tongues out and kiss. It also involves an act of inserting the tongue of one partner into another and kissing the teeth.
Better than a French-kiss, A Russian-kiss is similar to a French-kiss in that it involves the tongue, but a Russian-kiss is about French-kissing with food in mouth. It involves continuous exchange of some edible product from one partner to another. Usually Russian kiss is done with ice, candies or alcoholic beverages.
Are you someone who wants to kiss every women on street. There is of course a way to do that. Chinese show their love for countryman by kissing them. Go Chinese!! Now you can kiss whoever you want , just to show that you really care.
It refers to either kissing an animal or kissing the way animals do. Animals generally kiss by fondling their tongue with partner. There are lot of passionate animals lovers out there who do it with their pet. To train your pet to kiss you, you would probably have to allow your pet to take its feed from your mouth and later on your pet starts enjoying it.
Australian kiss is just as same as French Kiss but in the pubic region. Girls if you really want an Australian kiss, here's how; if you wax, go Brazilian or super short. Make sure you shower and you're super clean. Lie down, use your hands to open yourself up and there's the little tip that sticks out. He'll lick it and you'll go mad.
The French Kiss is the first thing that comes to our mind, when we think about kissing. A French kiss is the culmination of a building tension and growing intimacy. Make sure you keep your head tilted so that you don't end up bumping noses and just before you make contact, close your eyes. Kissing with eyes opened is considered as dishonesty and insecurity.
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