Baoh バオー来訪者
[Anime] Hunter X Hunter GI Final OVA - Dodgeball (English Sub) -
An Introduction To Wing Chun (詠春教學) by Sifu Leo Au Yeung (Full HD) 1080P
大尾鱸鰻 David Loman:
Mortal Kombat vs Street Fighter In Real Life - Ultimate Fan Fights Ep. 2
Kuma's Nikyu Nikyu Abilities that Deflect Everything
Sogeking's sniping skills
creates special pellets for his Kabuto that give his shots different properties
also often relies on the "fight and flight" instinct, analysing his opponent and surroundings. This leads to him gaining an upper hand and a chance to use his gadgets to the best of their abilities. Sometimes he will resort to underhanded methods though,
He also uses everyday resources to his advantage,
Luffy Vs Lucci (Leopard Form Fight) Eng Sub
Luffy vs Blackbeard
One Piece: Luffy Vs Magellan | Full Fight (English Sub)
Portgas D. Ace VS Smoker English Sub