Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Local Made Videos can be very interesting

I've always enjoyed watching short films directed by locals instead of blockbusters from the movies, locals can do a amazing job...perhaps one day I'll film my own short film for fun as well.

King of Gamblers
by: http://www.youtube.com/user/DanKhooProductions

School of War

California On Comic-Con 4

Comic Fiesta 2011 [DAY 2] - 140 Cosplayers

If life was like an action movie!

Strangers, again

The Places We Should Have Gone

Ah Wing - Malaysia's Number 1 Salesman


Monday, September 17, 2012

Namewee 黃明志

NameWee, chinese name 黃明志 is a very interesting chap from Malaysia, his songs are filled with political lyrics and his songs are usually quite catchy.

We Are Gangster! - Malaysia 4 Languages Rap "Hantu Gangster鬼老大哥大" movie theme song by Namewee

WE ARE NOTHING by Namewee_KarenKong 四大皆空 黃明志_龔柯允

"Meet the PM" song by Namewee 黃明志 我要見首相主題曲

放半粒-黄明志 Official Fifa World Cup 2010 Song (Handicap Goal) by Namewee

黃明志新年歌 CNY SONG by Namewee part 1 發財寶大拜年

辣死你媽 Nasi Lemak 2.0 (中文字幕 Chinese Subtitle) [高清 HD 720p]

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Logos from Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker

Here are some logos from "Dragon Age: Dawn of the Seeker" that I found nice.

The Chantry Logo


Seekers of the Truth :  http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Seekers_of_Truth

The Inquisition :  http://dragonage.wikia.com/wiki/Inquisition


BaTman in Superman and Batman Versus Aliens and Predator

Check out this Batman Suit as he KO predator
from Superman and Batman Versus Aliens and Predator - words by Mark Schultz, pictures by Ariel Olivetti, letters by Todd Klein